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Extreme Chillin'

We couldn't get enough of the cool weather, so we headed down to the beach by Morro Rock. It's a 15 mile jaunt from campus. It's a huge beach and was almost completely empty - very peaceful. Even though it was about 65 degrees when we got there, Jimbo the animal had to try the 60 degree water. He ended up getting a bunch of sand-flea bites after he parked himself in one spot for too long.

Mary had fun collecting shells and taking pictures.

Jimbo couldn't stay out of the water. It only hurts for the first 5 minutes until you go numb.


This really is a great way to communicate stuff...its fun to be on the receiving end! So now you are really getting into the college stuff and probably all getting excited about it in different ways.

Have a great time!....love , me

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