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April 10, 2005

Hoops, There It Is!

While Jimbo was here on spring break, he was nice enough to take some pictures at one of my basketball games. He always gets amazing shots. Thanks Jimbo!

I've been playing with this group of guys for a few years. My buddy Dan and I have played together off and on for the last 15 years since I worked at Hughes Aircraft. I think we're both retiring after this league season. We'll keep playing pickup games at the park where things aren't so serious. Dan's going to take ukulele lessons and I'm planning on giving the trumpet a try.

Here I am puttin' up a shot from distance.

Here I am getting mugged on a rebound.

Here's a team mugging by Freddy and me. The guy we're fouling banged me twice in the jaw. It's the thing that finally made me decide to quit playing league games. After all, we're only playing for a t-shirt!

April 03, 2005

New Floors, Step 1

Here's some shots after I removed some carpet this weekend. Next step is to remove the kitchen floor, then lay ceramic tile. Guess it's time to pick something!




April 02, 2005

Easter Sunday

Here's some shots from our Sunday brunch.

Here's the super6 plus 1.

Tom's new ride - everyone took a turn drving the new toy!

Mary enjoys the spring breeze.

Cool, I still look as tall as Jimbo in this one! He's 6'5" now!