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May 29, 2005

Layin' It Down, Day 2

Another long day of putting down the flooring. I was at it from 9am to almost 9pm. What amazes me is that it was still shifting around for most of the day. It probably weighs 500-600 pounds by now and it's all in one piece. At the end of the day it finally seemed like it had stopped moving. It's definitely looking good. The more I install, the more I'm lovin' it!

I got to the tricky part where I had to add on the entry-way. It was like starting over but I managed to keep it together. Looks like it'll be a 2-weekend project since I still have the kitchen and hallway to do.

May 28, 2005

Layin' It Down, Part 1

Here's a picture of how far I got on the first day of laying the laminate flooring. I'm flabbergasted by how slow this is going, but I'm excited about how great it looks. Big kudos to Tom for helping me get started AND finding a wall to line things up with AND loaning me his tools! Thanks Tom!

Hopefully, I'll get the family and kitchen done tomorrow.