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Layin' It Down, Day 2

Another long day of putting down the flooring. I was at it from 9am to almost 9pm. What amazes me is that it was still shifting around for most of the day. It probably weighs 500-600 pounds by now and it's all in one piece. At the end of the day it finally seemed like it had stopped moving. It's definitely looking good. The more I install, the more I'm lovin' it!

I got to the tricky part where I had to add on the entry-way. It was like starting over but I managed to keep it together. Looks like it'll be a 2-weekend project since I still have the kitchen and hallway to do.


dude, it looks flippin' sweet!!! wish i was there to help, but sadly i'm here instead. doing nothing. hmmm... could it be that this was a poorly timed operation? it is entirely possible. well, see you in two weeks.
Peace out dog. Keep it real.

Really lookin great but moving? Guess you'll have to explain the physics of flooring to me when we see you...I know you'll be done by then!
love you..

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